Medical stuff
I have certainly found inspiration in a number of sources and particularly recommend them to you:
Melanie Reid and her series of articles in the Times magazine.
Russell Watson and his interview with Fern Britten on the BBC.
Anything to do with Help for Heroes and in particular the story of the servicemens' trip to the Pole.
I am sure an internet search will turn up the details on each one. I'll hopefully add some useful links soon.
Today is 22 October 2011. The last time I visited and updated this site was 15 June. I collapsed and nearly died on Saturday 19 June when an undiagnosed tumour on my pituitary gland burst and crushed my optic nerve, blinding my right eye. I had a 9 hour life - saving operation the following Monday. I owe my life to my wife Sue for her prompt action and to Mr. Mathad and the neuro surgery team at Southampton General hospital.
Please click on the Music button above to buy Groomhill's track "And I Know What It's Like to be Lonely" and help save another life by generating a donation to the hospital's charities. If you don't fancy the music, then why not make your own donation to the charity anyway? You never know when you or a loved one may need their help.
Whilst recovering at home in July, I suffered at least 3 strokes which have left me weak down my left side and nearly blinded my left eye too. Then, whilst making a further remarkable recovery, I had a fall down steps and split my head open just above my good eye. Plenty of blood and a nasty gash requiring 6 stitches. D'oh! I have been taking it easy ever since and again recovering slowly. I refuse to check out and I have so much left that I want to do. I am exercising the life back into my left arm and have started to play the guitar again.
FURTHER UPDATE 29 December 2011. Scans in the last month have revealed that I need heart surgery... (click on page title to find sub pages)
For latest news see medical stuff page 2. Click on page title at top.

I have decided to move the information about my health to here at the end of the site. It is after all, not the reason why I started the site in the first place and I don't want it to dominate. Nevertheless, I do hope that some people may find some inspiration in the content on this site (I have produced the vast majority of it whilst recovering) to help get them through their own difficulties, particularly if they are struggling in the early stages of recovery from pituitary tumours, brain tumours, strokes and heart surgery.
An MRI scan of my brain, July 2012, a year after the tumour was removed via microsurgery up the nose.

Below: a view of my brain from behind following the strokes. White patches show dead areas which mean I should be blind in both eyes. A lucky escape. I lost 20 years of strength in left arm. Specialists are amazed how I have exercised it back over several months.
The proof is in the video on next page of me playing guitar Christmas 2011.
For the latest, drag cursor over medical stuff above and select page 2.